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Nouvelle Modulus VERTEX4 Bass pour les adeptes des manches graphites !

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    Le modèle Vertex4 Bass débarque chez Modulus  .

- Modèle 4 cordes
- Le manche est 100% graphite (le même que la Funk Unlimited - anciennement dénommé Flea), 
- 22 frettes, 
- Chevalet Hipshot & mécaniques Gotoh
- La basse est passive !
- Micro Bartolini (volume + tonalité).

La forme peu habituelle devrait séduire les amoureux du non conventionnel, le son Modulus et la précision de leurs instruments (manches extras !) n'étant plus à démontrer depuis des lustres, on attend de pied ferme les soundclips !

Cette basse est disponible pour la somme de 2499$ soit 1750€ 

Ne prenez pas la peine de la commander en France vu qu'aucun distributeur ne traite avec Modulus (bravo au passage !).

The Vertex4 is built around our world-famous carbon fiber neck, which provides the sonic clarity and day-to-day reliability professional musicians have come to expect from Modulus. Coupled with a lightweight alder body, the shape and balance of this bass make it an excellent choice for the player who wants more from their gear. At a special introductory price of $2,499, some may wonder whether the Vertex4 is an import model made “elsewhere” with components that lack inspiration and quality. But make no mistake – this bass is pure Modulus from the bottom strap button to the tip of the headstock! Made by hand at our California factory alongside the world-renowned Quantum, Vintage J and Funk Unlimited models, the Vertex4 is produced with the same precision and attention to detail that helped to define Modulus’ reputation for quality. Yet the balance of striking modern looks with classic design, and crystal-clear tone at an amazingly low price, the Vertex4 will be glad to speak for itself.

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